国学的智慧:大全集 A Complete Collection of Wisdom in Chinese Classics (Chinese Edition)

By Jian YiDa Hai.

国学的智慧:大全集 A Complete Collection of Wisdom in  Chinese Classics (Chinese Edition)


This book based on Four Books and Five Classics and ancient philosophers selected representive works of Chinese classics, including Yi Ching, The Anelects, Tao Te Ching, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Chuang Tzu, Mencius, Xun Tzu, and Thirty-Six Stratagems. All cover classics of Chinese study that readers ought to and must know about. This book tries to popularize and modernize the ancient and profound traditional culture, and analyzes the cultural meaning by cases. It aims at manifesting the practical significance of Chinese studies and offering an easy and interesting reading for r...


7511331335, 9787511331335


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